STARC’s versatile temporary wall systems providing competitive edge over ‘caged solutions’ Oxford Networks, now FirstLight, offers a robust suite of advanced telecommunications products, including data centers with best-of-breed technologies. Challenge Oxford Networks’ high-end clients have stringent requirements for the…
Temporary Walls for Data Centers
Protecting critical data is a 24/7/365 responsibility. During construction and renovation work, data centers must extend this protection to safeguard highly sensitive equipment from construction dust that can find its way through even the smallest of openings. The easiest way to protect your computer and network equipment, server racks, redundant power sources, and other sensitive technologies from construction dust is to use an effective temporary containment system that provides not only dust protection but privacy and security as well.

Containing Dust in Sensitive Environments
To keep your critical systems safe from dust and debris during renovations, look for a high-quality modular wall system that is easy to set up and take down, highly durable, versatile, and safe. For example, STARC’s temporary containment systems are designed to enable two people to install 100 feet of wall in under an hour. Our wall panels, which look exactly like real walls, offer superior sound attenuation, greater privacy than cage systems, and accommodate a variety of door lock options.