Our reusable modular temporary containment solutions are exceptionally durable, providing significant cost savings over time when compared with building drywall containment.
STARC Installation
- Pays for itself after just 2-3 uses
- No disruption to patients and staff
- Exceeds ICRA Class IV requirements
- Durable and reusable
- RealWall™ backed by a 3-year warranty
- LiteBarrier™ and FireblockWall ™ backed by a 2-year warranty
Drywall Installation
- One-time use only
- Noisy and disruptive to build and dismantle
- Creates lots of dangerous and harmful dust
- Environmentally unfriendly
One 5-Phase Job Achieves Payback
The chart below compares our modular wall system pricing for RealWall, LiteBarrier and FireblockWall™, compared with drywall costs typically associated with building temporary containment.

Positive ROI Achieved
- LiteBarrier achieves positive ROI after phase #2: Total five phase savings over $55,000
- RealWall achieves positive ROI after phase #3: Total five-phase savings over $35,000
- FireblockWall with Cap achieves positive ROI after phase #2: Total five phase savings over $200,000
Customers frequently report hundreds of installations completed from initial investment, with revenue and savings generated on every project going forward.
- Job is 5 phases/ 100′ each phase
- Drywall cost @ $169/linear foot; Drywall with soffit @ $585/linear foot
- STARC RealWall™ cost $479 / linear foot
- STARC LiteBarrier™ $279 / linear foot
- STARC FireblockWall™ with Cap $867/ linear foot