Buying Options


Best cost savings over time

Pays for itself in 3-5 uses

Reusable and reconfigurable

Purchasing RealWall™, LiteBarrier™ or FireblockWall™ provides the maximum cost savings over time. Our exceptionally durable panels and doors can be used on hundreds of jobs over many years and are backed by an industry-leading warranty. Once you purchase one of our construction containment systems, it quickly pays for itself after just 3-5 uses –virtually eliminating future containment costs. 

And because it’s reconfigurable, it can be moved and reused from one job to the next. It’s also perfect for big projects with multiple phases. 

Purchasing your STARC containment panels outright may allow you to budget the cost as a capital expense, rather than a per-project containment cost. 


Lower up-front cost

No storage requirements

Ideal for project-based jobs

You can rent RealWall™, LiteBarrier™ or FireblockWall™ for about what you would pay for a typical drywall temporary containment solution. Construction barrier rental may be a better fit for project-based jobs or planning your expenses on a per-project basis. 

Renting is perfect if you have limited storage capacity, or you need to add on to your system to complete a project. 

Choose the Best Option for Your Project

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