What is an AHJ? The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is a generic term for the code official, or other trained and certified officials, bearing responsibility for ensuring that fire barriers are constructed or installed in a manner prescribed by the manufacturer’s instructions, listings, Fire Code, Life Safety Codes, the facility’s Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM),… Read more »
A wall system’s sound attenuation, or ability to reduce sound pressure, can be measured in laboratory conditions through a test publish by ASTM, under Standard E90 – Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements.
By JANET HAAS, PhD, RN, CIC, Principal Consulting Epidemiologist, Innovative Infection Prevention The latest version of the infection control risk assessment has been called ICRA 2.0 to distinguish it from the original version that facility managers and infection preventionists have been using for several years. As mentioned in my previous blog post on this topic,… Read more »
Updated January 2024. During healthcare construction and renovation projects, fire safety issues typically arise from a lack of knowledge or understanding of NFPA 241, the standard that provides measures for preventing or minimizing fire damage to structures during construction, alteration or demolition.
STARC defines a demountable wall as a temporary modular barrier that can be quickly assembled or removed to provide protection from dust, noise and dangerous hazards, such as those created by construction or demolition activities.
As a protective measure, almost every product or structure you come into contact with on a daily basis is regulated and certified for safety and code compliance.
An ICRA is a multidisciplinary, organizational documented process intended to reduce infection risks during all phases of facility planning, design, construction, renovation and facility maintenance. The ICRA 2.0 precautions matrix is the recently updated tool that is used by whoever is planning and implementing the construction. ASHE members and non-members can download a copy of… Read more »
The California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) and the Kansas Office of the State Fire Marshal accepts the first reusable one-hour fire-rated containment solution for occupied renovations
The use of infection control risk assessments (ICRAs) during healthcare construction projects has been a work in progress spanning several decades.