As any business grows and expands, substantial improvements to the workspace are often necessitated in order to meet customer demands, increase employee productivity, and the overall efficiency of the company.
In fact, a period of remodeling or renovation, in some ways, is a good problem to have because it’s an indication of a company’s success. Nevertheless, the interruption can also be a trying time for employees. Not only as it relates to their ability to remain productive while the workspace is under construction, but for their health and safety.
To avoid all health and safety related issues, infection control should be a primary concern for companies undergoing restoration, remodeling or renovation. Project engineers, architects, and construction managers should include and agree on an Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) strategy in the developmental and planning stages of the project.
ICRA Containment Controls Dust, Debris, Noise, and Odors
An ICRA strategy is important. Be it an office building, warehouse, or industrial plant—whatever the commercial facility—construction work is bound to create dust, debris, noise, and odors that can be disruptive to your employees, and also to your customers and clients. Ideally, the renovation, remodeling, and expansion must limit interference with daily operations.
STARC Systems ICRA containment walls offer an ideal solution to meet the challenges of companies in the midst of physical growth. We work with engineering, construction, and architectural firms to design and install modular wall systems around occupied space. Our walls are a high-performance containment system specifically designed and engineered for institutional, commercial and industrial construction settings. STARC containment walls are a reusable, safe and secure system. They are rugged, attractive, airtight, washable, and will meet the health and safety concerns for employees.
The noise and racket during construction can cause a substantial disruption to work. It can be an unending nuisance and interfere with productivity throughout the day. STARC System containment walls are sound attenuating and will ameliorate any disruptions caused by loud noises such as saws, drills, compressors, and hammering.
More importantly, construction of any occupied space will end up affecting the indoor air quality of the building. As much as the noise disruption may be an aggravation to employees and their productivity, construction could also lead to short-term or long-term health problems for employees by exposing them to pollutants and contaminants. These are the particulates, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and biological contaminants that are released during remodeling or renovation.
Particulates, the airborne material particles and minute residue that occur during construction, are the most common type of pollutant during a remodeling or renovation projects. Particulates include particles from dust, fibers, sawdust, insulation, or drywall, some of which may contain PCBs, asbestos, or lead. All can trigger respiratory problems and in some cases skin irritation or rashes.
VOCs are another potential problem that may arise during construction projects and are associated with the sense of smell. They are the harmful fumes, nasty odors and noxious gases produced by carpeting, flooring, glues, sealants, paints, varnishes, solvents, cleaning agents and like substances. Like particulates, VOCs can cause respiratory ailments, induce nausea, and affect mucous membranes in the lungs, throat, nose, and sinuses.
Finally, living microorganisms known as biological contaminants can be a major health hazard during remodeling. Tearing out a wall, replacing floorboards, or dropping ceiling tiles can release a host of microorganisms in the form of mold, mold spores, animal droppings and its spores, animal carcasses and furs, and bacteria.
STARC Systems Eliminate the Disruption of Renovation
STARC Systems airtight containment walls will separate the pollutants and contaminants from the construction space and the temporary workspace that could detrimentally affect the air quality during the phases of the renovation project. The many panels and other modules can be quickly installed, relocated or dismantled, providing project engineers, architects, and construction managers with flexibility. Integrated features help manage difficult sealing problems, too, and will drastically reduce and eliminate the dust and debris typical of existing methods.
During any remodeling or renovation project that a company undertakes, it stands to reason to take all precautions to minimize employee exposure to the dust, debris, noise, and odors typical of any construction project. STARC Systems ICRA containment walls are a solution that can ensure client satisfaction and a smooth transition to an improved workspace.